Rotary Rock Tumblers
The most popular type of tumblers for beginners
Compare Thumler's MP-1 to Thumler's A-R1 |

About Rotary Rock Tumblers
Rotary rock tumblers are the most-often used type of tumbler for producing tumbled stones. The tumblers that we sell have soft rubber barrels to allow them to run quietly. We sell over 1000 tumblers each year and have never had one returned because it was "noisy".
Rotary tumblers are the best type of tumbler for the beginner because they are easy to operate. If you follow our tumbling instructions and start with high quality rock, you should be able to produce lots of brightly-polished tumbled stones. We sell all of the rough rock, grit and polish that you will need. We even sell refill kits to keep you tumbling. Or, maybe you know where to collect rocks for your tumbler.
Vibratory Tumblers
The other type of tumbler commonly used for rocks is a vibratory tumbler. They are generally faster and more economical to operate. They cost a little more and require some practice and judgement to use successfully. We have a comparison video and article here.