Rock Tumbler Refill Kits

The photo above shows a Two-Pound tumbler refill kit. It contains rough rock, a small amount of ceramic media, and pre-measured grit as follows: Two bags of coarse grit, and one bag each of medium grit, fine grit, and polish.
TWO-Pound Tumbler Refill Kit (pictured above):

The rock has been crushed to the proper size for a tumbler with a 2-pound barrel (about 3/8 to 1 inch). You just fill the barrel to about 2/3 full of rock, dump in a pre-measured package of grit, and then add water. This allows you to buy just the amount needed to run your tumbler without overage or waste. We selected rocks that beginners can tumble successfully if the instructions are carefully followed.

Mixed Rough Refill Kit
For use in 2-pound barrels. This kit includes mixed tumbling rough that is crushed to a size range of 3/8" to 1", ceramic media, and one single-use grit kit.

Red Jasper Refill Kit
For use in 2-pound barrels. This kit includes red jasper that is crushed to a size range of 3/8" to 1", ceramic media, and one single-use grit kit.

THREE-Pound Tumbler Refill Kits:
If you have a two-barrel tumbler, you will need two refill kits

These refill kits are great for someone new to the hobby because they take the guesswork out of tumbling. There is no need to measure out grit or polish, and the rock comes properly sized for a tumbler with a 3-pound barrel. Simply fill the barrel about 2/3 full of rock, dump in a pre-measured package of grit, add water, and you're ready to go! It's a convenient way to get exactly what you need to produce one barrel of tumbled stones.
To learn more about each of the EASY roughs available as a refill kit, visit our small-sized rough rocks page, or see the links below. On each of the individual rough pages, you can purchase the rough by itself, or a refill kit which includes that rough, a small amount of ceramic media, and a single-use grit kit for 3-pound barrels.
THREE-Pound Tumbler Refill Kit:

This photo shows an example of a Three-Pound tumbler refill kit. It contains rough rock, approximately 1/2 pound of ceramic media, and pre-measured grit as follows: Two bags of coarse grit, and one bag each of medium grit, fine grit, and polish. This example photo shows a kit with red jasper; however, you may choose from any of the tumbling roughs listed below.

Mystery Mix Refill Kit
For use in 3-pound barrels. This kit includes two pounds of Mystery Mix rough, crushed to a size range of 1/2" to 1 3/4", ceramic media, and one single-use grit kit. For more information, a larger photo, and tumbling instructions, visit our Mystery Mix rough page.

Binghamite Refill Kit
For use in 3-pound barrels. This kit includes two pounds of Binghamite rough, crushed to a size range of 3/8" to 1 1/2", ceramic media, and one single-use grit kit. For more information, a larger photo, and tumbling instructions, visit our Binghamite rough page.

Petrified Wood Refill Kit
For use in 3-pound barrels. This kit includes two pounds of North Dakota petrified wood rough, crushed to a size range of 3/8" to 1 1/2", ceramic media, and one single-use grit kit. For more information, a larger photo, and tumbling instructions, visit our rough petrified wood page.

Brecciated Red Jasper Refill Kit
For use in 3-pound barrels. This kit includes two pounds of brecciated red jasper, crushed to a size range of 1/2" to 2", ceramic media, and one single-use grit kit. For more information, a larger photo, and tumbling instructions, visit our brecciated red jasper rough page.

Brenda Red Jasper Refill Kit
For use in 3-pound barrels. This kit includes two pounds of Brenda Red jasper, crushed to a size range of 3/8" to 1 1/2", ceramic media, and one single-use grit kit. For more information, a larger photo, and tumbling instructions, visit our Brenda Red jasper rough page.

Brown Jasper Refill Kit
For use in 3-pound barrels. This kit includes two pounds of brown jasper, crushed to a size range of 1/2" to 2", ceramic media, and one single-use grit kit. For more information, a larger photo, and tumbling instructions, visit our brown jasper rough page.

Crazy Lace Agate Refill Kit
For use in 3-pound barrels. This kit includes two pounds of crazy lace agate, crushed to a size range of 1/2" to 2 1/2", ceramic media, and one single-use grit kit. For more information, a larger photo, and tumbling instructions, visit our crazy lace agate rough page.

Red Jasper Refill Kit
For use in 3-pound barrels. This kit includes two pounds of red jasper, crushed to a size range of 1/2" to 2", ceramic media, and one single-use grit kit. For more information, a larger photo, and tumbling instructions, visit our red jasper rough page.

Dragon Blood Refill Kit
For use in 3-pound barrels. This kit includes two pounds of dragon blood tumbling rough, crushed to a size range of 1/2" to 2", ceramic media, and one single-use grit kit. For more information, a larger photo, and tumbling instructions, visit our dragon blood rough page.

Pigeon Blood Refill Kit
For use in 3-pound barrels. This kit includes two pounds of Pigeon Blood rough, crushed to a size range of 3/8" to 1 1/2", ceramic media, and one single-use grit kit. For more information, a larger photo, and tumbling instructions, visit our Pigeon Blood rough page.

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