Thumler's Motors: When Will They Be Available?

You can see all of the motors that we sell, as well as their availability, on this page.
Supply Chain Issues
Supply chain issues are still hitting manufacturers in many parts of the world. Tumbler manufacturers are no exception.
Motors for Thumler's Tumblers
If you have a Thumler's Tumbler that is still under warranty and you have encountered motor problems, we encourage you to contact Tru-Square Metal Products for help. You can read warranties for their rotary tumblers and vibratory tumblers on this page of our website and find contact information for Tru-Square.
If you would like to be notified when we have Thumler's motors for sale here, please send an email message to

We do not reserve motors, and we never take customer payments for merchandise that we do not have on hand.